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Discon - Surestop Remote Stopcock (RPL)(6m) Surestop 22mm Remote Stopcock (RPL) (6m)

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This patented Surestop Stopcock not only allows for easy isolation of the water supply but also comes with a Remote Switch that can be discreetly fitted either on a wall or in an easy to reach cupboard, to allow greater ease of access and convenience. This makes it i... Read More

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Jason Allan


This patented Surestop Stopcock not only allows for easy isolation of the water supply but also comes with a Remote Switch that can be discreetly fitted either on a wall or in an easy to reach cupboard, to allow greater ease of access and convenience. This makes it ideal for those properties with inaccessible or hard to reach conventional stopcocks where the pipework is barely accessible; or simply for situations where the water needs isolating on a regular basis.


Surestop Surestop 22mm Remote Stopcock (RPL) (6m)


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Discon - Surestop Remote Stopcock (RPL)(6m) Surestop 22mm Remote Stopcock (RPL) (6m)

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